At Evergreen our cleaning routine is important…

Proper hygiene is an essential part of our daily operations. With children sharing space keeping our facilities clean and sanitized is a priority. 

We use plant based non toxic cleaning products! 

Choosing plant-based products ensure that our facilities are clean but also safe for our babies and children. Toxic chemicals (like ammonia or chlorine) found in many traditional cleaning products can be toxic to young children. Many ingredients in traditional cleaners are carcinogens and they are the second most common poison exposure for children. 

Everyday steps: 

  • We clean surfaces after every activity. Including tables, chairs, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, phones, toilets, faucets, sinks, toys, ect. 

  •  We plan daily activities for our children to spend time outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. 

  •  We use plant-based pure essential oils in our diffusers during the day. Aromatherapy is a holistic way to promote health and well-being.

  •  We teach and practice the correct hands washing procedure with our children after every activity during the day. 

  •  Our children use the same utensils for their meals, and the same mat for nap time. 

  • Every child learns to clean their area when they finish playing, or doing any activity. 

Effective cleaning is a skill set your children will make use of throughout their lives. Doing chores at home will help your child learn responsibility. 

Not sure your children will enjoy it? There are ways to make chores a little bit, well, less of a chore for everyone. 

  • Don’t insist on perfection. No one is perfect. Start by cleaning with your child and modeling the way you expect your child to do it.

  •  Don’t delay. Start your day with a delicious healthy breakfast and then clean the house! Your child will respond a lot better if is well rested and starting the day. 

  • Praise your child! Don’t wait until your child is done to praise them. Encourage them while praising their progress. 

  • Be consistent. Your child will learn better if there is a consistent routine. For example: Every Saturday morning is a cleaning morning. After that we will go to the park and have lunch. The same order will give them a sense of security and satisfaction. 

  • Find age- appropriate chores for your child. Your child may be able to do more than you think. “Keep in mind that a child who has mastered a complicated computer game can easily run the dishwasher”. 

Some great ideas for children between 2 and 3 years old: 

  • Put the toys in a box inside the closet. 

  • Fill the pet’s food dish

  • Put clothes in hamper 

  • Dust 

  • Pile books and magazines 

 Chores for children between 4 and 5 years old:

  • Make their bed

  • Clear the table 

  • Wash the dishes 

  • Dry the dishes

  • Water the flowers/ plants

  • Help make a meal 

  • Clean their bedroom 

Remember your family is your team. Make sure they understand what you are expecting from them. Give them the tools they need for a brighter future. 


Benefits of Early Childhood Education