Health and Safety

The health and safety of children and staff have always been our priority.

We hold our school to high standards of safety and cleanliness while maintaining a caring and nurturing environment where children can thrive.

  • Requiring any children or staff with respiratory illness symptoms or fever to return home and stay home until fever-free for at least 24 hours

  • Frequent disinfecting and sanitizing of toys

  • Frequent handwashing by children and staff, which is embedded in our curriculum and daily staff protocols

  • Training teachers on common signs of illness in children

  • Daily laundering of crib sheets for infants; for older children, individual cots and blankets are provided for each child

  • Ensuring appropriate teacher-student classroom ratios-which is lower than state requirements

  • Continuous health & safety training for our staff, including first aid and CPR certification

  • All visitors must sanitize their hands

  • We use an ionization diffuser that helps purify the air in every classroom during the day

  • Only scheduled visitors are allowed, and will not be permitted into the classrooms

  • Parents are able to check-in and out in the reception area; a touchless sign-in system is used

  • Bleach disinfection solution sprayed over all surfaces and toys every evening

  • Professional cleaning crew nightly