30 to 42 months


At Evergreen all children’s developmental needs are met with warmth and care by expert staff, such as their desire to walk and talk, eat and drink independently, and understand the world around them.


  • Standing on one foot for 10 seconds or longer
  • Can hop, skip and turn somersaults
  • Pouring and cutting while supervised
  • Carrying large toys or several toys while walking
  • Learning to walk alone without assistance
  • Pulling toys behind while walking
  • Learning to run or jog stiffly
  • Climbing up and down from furniture without assistance


  • Agreeing to rules and cooperating with others
  • Singing, dancing and acting
  • A greater sense of independence
  • Enjoying new things
  • Talking about their interests


  • Copying geometric patterns
  • Drawing person with body
  • Practicing handwriting and penmanship
  • Full or partial trainging
  • Scribbling spontaneously


  • Knowledge of grammatical rules and usage of future tense
  • Speaking in sentences of more than 5 words
  • Singing a song or nursery rhyme from memory
  • Telling longer stories
  • Knowing parts of their address
  • Following simple one or two step instructions
  • Repeating words when prompted or heard


  • Knowing basic concepts of everyday things, such as money and manners
  • Understanding the idea of counting with clarity
  • Remembering and recalling parts of a story
  • Drawing a person with two to four body parts
  • Playing with basic card and board game

Our Approach

One of the first things you will notice when you walk into our Discoverers classroom is that there are children of many different ages working together and socializing happily. You might, for example, see an older child showing a younger one how to complete an activity, with the younger child fascinated by watching his older classmate accomplish what he can’t yet do.

Why do multi-age classrooms work and what are the benefits? Opportunities for leadership. Older students have the chance to become mentors to their younger classmates, while learning and practicing important leadership skills. Younger children naturally look up to and emulate older children, and so in a classroom with a range of ages, there are always natural opportunities for a child to be a leader. Older students can learn the joy of teaching their younger peers.

It’s a natural way for older students to begin valuing patience and empathy, as they learn how to help others by sharing expertise with tasks that they themselves have mastered. To teach something, you must first have that mastery, and the process of passing it on — of teaching by example and communication, of reminding oneself of the specific steps, of seeing how to correct mistakes — reinforces that mastery. By helping younger students further learn their work. And they learn the foundations and pleasures of taking responsibility and being appreciated.

Our Creative Curriculum© program for pre-Kindergarten uses exploration and discovery as a learning tool and is designed to encourage confidence, creativity and problem solving skills in your two year old. Social skills, math, problem solving, art and even technology are combined throughout each day to ensure a balance of nurturing, learning, curiosity and fun.


Children learn a great deal simply by observing. Having older children in the classroom means that young children are surrounded by teacher-by-example! Watching older children do their work not only provides a model for how to proceed, but it also motivates young students to practice and achieve mastery over their tasks. They look forward to the day that they can do that kind of work too. A child may watch an older student sitting quietly and focusing during a work period, and think to himself, “If they can do that, someday I will as well!”

This applies not only to academic skills but to foundational cognitive, emotional, and social skills. For example, by watching how older children interact respectfully with the teacher and their peers, young children absorb that dignified manner in a way that is at least as effective as explicit teaching. Young children naturally imitate and watch the way an older student politely asks the teacher a question and will lead naturally to trying and copying that behavior themselves. Multi-age classrooms give younger students the chance to learn not only from a teacher’s instruction but from the examples set by their fellow students.


By combining multiple age groups into one classroom, we follow the Montessori method to create a diverse environment - since differences in age, for young children correspond with vast differences in every other ability.

One specific benefit of this mixed-age diversity is that it helps to eliminate unhealthy competition between students. Students of similar ages and abilities naturally compare themselves to one another. In a mixed-age classroom, attention is instead drawn to the range of talents and abilities within the class. There is exposure to a variety of interests and skills, and children can build confidence working in diverse groups, talking and interacting with different aged children. They build confidence when they have leadership roles, share different skillsets and literacy, and when they can comfortably interact with various groups of children.


Both younger and older students have a chance to implicitly develop a “growth mindset” by observing all three years of the learning process in one classroom. Watching younger students progress from one material to the next teacher older students the value of practice and hard work. Conversely, younger students look up to their older classmates, and look forward to reaching their level of ability. It’s not always that easy for children to understand or remember that they have vastly different skills and capabilities than they did a year or even a few months ago - but the mixed-age classroom makes that developmental trajectory very apparent.

Having a growth mindset - the attitude that progress and valuable skills and traits aren’t inborn but come from learning, change, growth - is incredibly important for future success. Working with a diverse group of peers teaches all students that neither ability nor intelligence are fixed, but are skills that can be developed over time. Approaching learning in this way benefits children for the rest of their lives.


Finally, it’s worth noting that having the opportunity to join the same group for children and teachers for several years. It gives the child a more stable experience. Students get deeply comfortable in a learning environment that fosters their long-term growth. Rather than putting effort and energy towards adjusting to a new classroom, teacher and peer group at the beginning of each school year.